Customer Testimonials

"A+ Science has been extremely helpful in managing our Swedish clinical trials from the US. Everyone we have worked with has been pleasant, proactive, and proficient in their duties.  The company itself is easy to work with, providing straightforward quotes and no surprises in billing or activities."

Vice President of Operations, Pharmaceutical Company, USA

“Under the Project Manager’s leadership and guidance, the A+ Science project staff has built good relations with site staff. The issues related to the studies were brought forward, discussed, and decisions were taken, issues that needed to be escalated were escalated in a timely manner. The Project Manager brings honesty, dedication and a caring and positive attitude to her work. One of the most appreciated contributions to our collaboration is the Project Manager’s solution oriented approach which quickly has moved our work forward with continuous improvements on both sides.” 

Country Study Manager, Pharmaceutical Company, Sweden

“I contacted A+ Science to perform a routine internal audit of the newly built up PV-system of our company. The audit was conducted by an enthusiastic and skilled auditor with long PV experience from several companies. The audit day was fruitful and performed in positive spirit. I found the audit really inspiring as the auditor was very helpful. The auditor gave some examples how to possibly solve issues I had struggled with for quite some time.”

Pharmacovigilance Manager/QP/RP, Pharmaceutical Company, Sweden

“We are very satisfied with the services provided by A+ Science” 

Head of Medical Affairs, Medical Device Company, Sweden

“I am very pleased with the job performed by A+ Science, a small company that has the go-ahead spirit. I also enjoy reading the monthly newsletter, it is informative and pleasant”.

Regulatory Affairs Manager, Device Company, UK