Preliminary results ACCOMPLISH trial

April 02, 2008
Preliminary results of the ACCOMPLISH Trial show that a combination therapy with ACE inhibitor plus calcium –channel blocker is more effective than a treatment with the ACE inhibitor plus diuretic.

The preliminary results of the ACCOMPLISH Trial were presented during the annual American College of Cardiology 2008 Scientific Sessions, (ACC) held in Chicago on 31st March 2008.

The results show that a combination therapy with ACE inhibitor plus calcium-channel blocker reduces the risk of morbidity and mortality by 20% for high-risk hypertensive patients compared with combination therapy of ACE inhibitor and diuretics. Those results are preliminary but significant. According to Novartis final results will be presented later this year.

A+ Science has been responsible for the recruitment of 154 Trial Centres in the Nordic countries who have contributed with 3354 patients. Those patients represent a substantial part of the study population. A+ Science has also been responsible for the evaluation of the ECGs for all Nordic and US ACCOMPLISH patients, to date approximately 32 000 ECGs. The analysis has been carried out in collaboration with the ECG Core Laboratory at Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Östra. A+ Science has many years of experience managing cardiovascular trials and is known for its extensive cardiovascular expertise and its broad professional network within the Nordic medical care.

For further information in English please read the press release from Novartis or the press release from ACC08.

For further information in Swedish visit Novartis in Sweden.

For more information from A+ Science: 
Cecilia Espmark Eckerdal, Project leader ACCOMPLISH at A+ Science
Tel. +46 8 563 352 67
email:, att Cecilia Espmark Eckerdal

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